2007 年 11 月29 日

Plain form + とおもいます - I think that...

The ideas or information expressed with おもいます are indicated by the particle と.
1) When expressing assumption, if the context of assumption is negative in nature, make the sentence before と negative.

田中さんはこの人をしっていますか。 "Does Mr. Tanaka know this person?"

。。。いいえ、 しらない と おもいます。 "No, I don't think he does."

2) When expressing one's opinion, ~についてどうおもいますか is used to ask someone's opinion on something. と is not necessary after どう.

"What do you think about the new airport?"

。。。きれいですが、 ちょっと こうつうが ふべんだとおもいます。
"I think that it is clean but transport in inconvenient."

Agreement or disagreement with other people's opinions can be expressed as follows:

けいたいでんわは べんりですね。 "The mobile phone is convenient isn't it?"

º 私もそうおもいます。"I think so too."
x 私はそう (は) おもいません。"I don't think so."