2010 年 06 月17 日

Passive Verbs

Noun が/は Verb passive

When you need not mention the person who does the action denoted by a verb, you can make the object of the verb the subject of the sentence. In this case, a passive verb is used.

Noun1 は Noun2(person) によって Verb passive

When something is created or discovered, and it is stated using a passive verb, the person who created or discovered it is indicated by によって instead of に. Verbs like かきます、  はつめいします、 はっけんします etc. are used in the sentence pattern.

Noun から/Noun で つくります

When something is made from a raw material, the material is marked with から. When it is obvious to the eye that soemthing is made of a particular material, the material is marked with で.


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