2008 年 05 月8 日


...んです is an expression used to explain causes, reasons, grounds etc strongly. ...んです is used in spoken language only, while ...のです is used in written language. ...んです used in the following ways:


  1. When the speaker guesses the reason or the cause as to what he has seen or heard and then confirms whether he is correct.
  2. When the speaker asks for information about what he has seen or heard.

  3. When the speaker asks the listener to explain the reason or the cause of what he has seen or heard.
  4. When asking for an explanation of a situation.

Note ~ んです sometimes contains the speaker's suprise, suspicion, strong curiosity etc. Inappropriate use, therefore, may offend the listener, so it is necessary to be careful with this expression.

~ んです is not used to merely describe the facts as shown in the following example:
tick 私 は 田中 けん です。- I am Ken Tanaka.
cross 私 は 田中 けんなん です。